LDC as an institution is not a market place neither is quality legal education and training traded on demand and supply as any other commodity. Thus our training is socially, economically and globally relevant for the proper dispensation of justice.
As we grapple with the challenges brought about by globalisation, we have put in place measures to ensure that we train lawyers of the 21st century to suit the demands of the clientele such as incorporation of ICT in our training and continuous review of the curriculum to suit the demands of the clients.
As you join this great institution, we are committed to equipping you with potential that will not only enable you to gain legal knowledge but also have courage to fight for justice and fairness to ensure that there is access to justice for all.
We are certain that at the completion of your respective courses, you will be able to practice the profession with the highest ethical standards in order to fulfill the mission of LDC and reinforce faith in the Rule of Law.
Welcome to the Law Development Centre.
Organizing and conducting courses of instruction for the acquisition of legal knowledge, professional skill and experience by persons intending to practice as attorneys in subjects which shall have been determined by the Law Council under the provisions of any law in force.
Organizing and conducting courses for magistrates and for persons provisionally selected for appointment as such.
Organizing and conducting training courses for officers of the Government and members of the Armed Forces of Uganda with a view to promoting a better understanding of the law.
Organizing and conducting courses for officers and personnel of courts with a view to improving their efficiency.
Assisting any commissioner who may be appointed in the preparation and publication of a revised edition of the Laws of Uganda.
Assisting in the preparation of reprints of Acts of Parliament in accordance with any law for the time being in force.
Assisting the Law Reform Commission in the performance of its functions.
Undertaking research into any branch of the law.
Holding seminars and conferences on legal matters.
Collecting, compiling, analyzing and abstracting statistical information on legal and related matters.
To provide legal aid to the indigent and vulnerable persons in society.
Assisting in the provision of legal aid and advice to indigent litigants and accused persons in accordance with any law for the time being in force.
Compiling, editing and publishing law reports for Uganda.
Organizing and conducting courses in legislative drafting.
LDC as an institution is not a market place neither is quality legal education and training traded on demand and supply as any other commodity. Thus our training is socially, economically and globally relevant for the proper dispensation of justice.
As we grapple with the challenges brought about by globalisation, we have put in place measures to ensure that we train lawyers of the 21st century to suit the demands of the clientele such as incorporation of ICT in our training and continuous review of the curriculum to suit the demands of the clients.
As you join this great institution, we are committed to equipping you with potential that will not only enable you to gain legal knowledge but also have courage to fight for justice and fairness to ensure that there is access to justice for all.
We are certain that at the completion of your respective courses, you will be able to practice the profession with the highest ethical standards in order to fulfill the mission of LDC and reinforce faith in the Rule of Law.
Welcome to the Law Development Centre.